Sunday, June 22, 2014

Preferring one another

Looking forward to preaching on a principle in the Bible this morning, “in honour preferring one another” (Romans 12:10).

Preferring one another means treating others as more important than ourselves. Treating others as more valuable than ourselves.
Preferring one another means loving when we’re not loved, respecting when we’re not respecting, and honoring when we’re not honored. This love, respect, and honor must be without partiality because partiality is sin.
We all like to get what we like. Preferring one another means treating others as more worthy to get what they want.
Preferring one another means we’re happy when others receive attention even when we are neglected.

Preferring one another means that we will treat others how we would want to be treated; love your neighbor as yourself.

Friday, May 23, 2014

E.M. Bounds on Missions Giving

"Not a few of us have heard eloquent and earnest speeches stressing the imperative need of money for missions where we have heard one stressing the imperative need of prayer. All our plans and devices drive to the one end of raising money, not to quicken faith and promote prayer. The common idea among Church leaders is that if we get the money, prayer will come as a matter of course. The very reverse is the truth. If we get the Church at the business of praying, and thus secure the spirit of missions, money will more than likely come as a matter of course. Spiritual agencies and spiritual forces never come as a matter of course. Spiritual duties and spiritual factors, left to the “matter of course” law, will surely fall out and die. Only the things which are stressed live and rule in the spiritual realm. They who give, will not necessarily pray. Many in our churches are liberal givers who are noted for their prayerlessness. One of the evils of the present-day missionary movement lies just there. Giving is entirely removed from prayer. Prayer receives scant attention, while giving stands out prominently. They who truly pray will be moved to give. Praying creates the giving spirit. The praying ones will give liberally and self-denyingly. He who enters his closet to God, will also open his purse to God. But perfunctory, grudging, assessment-giving kills the very spirit of prayer. Emphasising the material to the neglect of the spiritual, by an inexorable law retires and discounts the spiritual."

E.M. Bounds The Essentials of Prayer, Chapter 13 "Prayer and Missions", P. 92

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Do you discriminate based on ethnicity?
"And hath made of one blood all nations of men..." (Acts 17:26)

Do you discriminate based on socio-economic level?
"The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all." (Proverbs 22:2)

Do you discriminate based on gender?
Jesus appeared first to two women after He resurrected (Matthew 28:1 & 9-10)

Partiality is sin. James 2:1-9