Saturday, January 5, 2013


This is a great outline that I was taught by Pastor John Wilkerson, and now I have taught it personally. Yesterday I translated it to be able to teach it here in Chile. Here it is in both languages:


I. God is the source (Job 41:11, Psalm 24:1, Psalm 50:10 & 12)
II. Giving is a must (Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:8-10, Deuteronomy 14:22-23)
A. The offering
B. Alms
C. The tithe
1. It’s His- Malachi 3:8-10
2. It’s pre-law (Abraham & Jacob)
3. It’s one-tenth of all income
a. Genesis 28:22
b. Genesis 14:20
4. Where does it go?
a. Old Testament- house of God & His ministers (Tabernacle/Levites)
i. Malachi 3:10
ii. Numbers 18:21 & 24
b. New Testament- house of God & His ministers (Church/Pastors)
i. 1 Timothy 3:15
ii. 1 Timothy 5:17-18
3. Go to work (Proverbs 6:11, Proverbs 22:29, 2 Thessalonians 3:9)
4. Guard against debt (Proverbs 22:7, Matthew 6:24)
5. Gain contentment (Philippians 4:11, 1 Timothy 6:6-8, Hebrews 13:5)
6. Get on a budget (Luke 14:28-29)
7. Generosity (Luke 6:38)

If you are in trouble, get counseling (Proverbs 11:14)


I. Dios es la fuente (Job 41:11, Salmo 24:1, Salmo 50:10 & 12)
II. El dar es necesario (Proverbios 3:9-10, Malaquías 3:8-10, Deuteronomio 14:22-23)
A. La ofrenda
B. La limosna
C. El diezmo
1. Es Suyo (Malaquías 3:8-10)
2. Es pre-ley (Abraham & Jacob)
3. Es un décimo de todos los ingresos
a. Génesis 28:22
b. Génesis 14:20
4. ¿A dónde va?
a. El Antiguo Testamento: la casa de Dios y Sus ministros (Tabernáculo/Levíticos)
i. Malaquías 3:10
ii. Números 18:21 & 24
b. Nuevo Testamento: la casa de Dios y Sus ministros (Iglesia/Pastores)
i. 1 Timoteo 3:15
ii. 1 Timoteo 5:17-18
III. Trabaja (Proverbios 6:11, Proverbios 22:29, 2 Tesalonicenses 3:9)
IV. Evita la deuda (Proverbios 22:7, Mateo 6:24)
V. Ten contentamiento (Filipenses 4:11, 1 Timoteo 6:6-8, Hebreos 13:5)
VI. Usa un presupuesto mensual (Lucas 14:28-29)
VII. Se generoso (Lucas 6:38)

Si estás teniendo problemas, busca consejo (Proverbios 11:14)

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